
Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie sale sale sale!!


This year has been a bit of a tough one for many so hopefully we can shed a lil sunshine on your coming days. 

MFP is going into sale! yay for y'all! Its coming up to the end of the financial year and anyone who's done any kind of retail job knows what that means...stock take! (probably 2 of my most loathed words!). So we thought it would be a idea to have a sale to shift along the goodies so we dont have to spend all night counting and marking off stock...yup...we both win!

But whats on sale you ask?!! 
ok here's the low down: 
Madame Fancy Pants jewellery - 40% off 
Deadly Ponies - 10% off 
Victoria Mason - 25% off 
Lil Lovelies - 40% off 
Cards/stationary - 30% off 
Rachel Carley - 30% off 
Wee Bits - 25% off 
Seedling - 40% off 
And more more more! Some of the goodies on line are listed with the sale price, for the rest of the goods your gonna have to pop in and have a good old fashioned mosey around.

The sale will run in store from Friday the 25th March till Sunday the 3rd of April. But you can get some goodies online...right now!!! Some items are limited so you best be shaking a tale feather!

see you soon! 
xox claire & phoebe

p.s Its not just us on sale either....Our lovely next door neighbors Pixel Ink are joining in on the sale goodness to!! check'em out!

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