We now have four wonderful sewing patterns from Heather Bailey in store (and online!). Make anything from a sweet wee bag to a turtle-shaped pin cushion, cute! Get crafting lovelies! xxx
We now have four wonderful sewing patterns from Heather Bailey in store (and online!). Make anything from a sweet wee bag to a turtle-shaped pin cushion, cute! Get crafting lovelies! xxx
Yep. Its Easter, the time of year when you can indulge in bread and chocolate without guilt. hmm well kinda. Heck why not! The only guilt I will have is by not looking at the ingredients of my chocolate more carefully.
Why you ask....chocolate is chocolate?! Yes but there are ingredients in the chocolate that while they may not be bad for us are ruining others lives and our environment. Palm oil. Palm oil comes from Oil Palms which mainly grow in Malaysia and Indonesia, these trees happen naturally which is fine but developers are knocking down existing essential rain-forest and replacing it with oil palms.
Oil palm plantations ain't good for wildlife and endangered species like the orangutan, the Sumatran rhino, the pygmy elephant of Borneo, and the Sumatran tiger are all threatened by development for oil palm.
There are LOTS of foods that contain Palm Oil. If you fancy knowing more check out these links thanks to the good folk at Auckland Zoo.
Palm Oil free Easter egg guide.
So do your bit, it don't take much but a little awareness.
Happy Easter Y'all!
That means SOUP!!
yes soup. Its up there with some of the best things wintery things like dvds in bed without guilt, gumboots, rain on the roof, big woolly nana cardis, porridge and lounge tents. yay!
So here is a souper soupy winter vegie vegan soup by the lovely folk from Martha Goes Green cookbook. YUM! We sold out of this fabulous recipe book a wee bit back but will hopefully be getting more copies in soon.
Enjoy! xox
Remove ends and outer leaves from leek, half lengthways, wash and slice. Set aside.
Heat oil in a large pot over a medium heat and cook onion and garlic until clear. Add celery and salt and cook until celery becomes soft. Add leek and cook for 5 minutes. Add remaining vegetables, herbs, barley, split peas, stock and water and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer over a medium heat for 45-60 minutes or until vegetables are tender.
Serve chunky, or give a rough blend or mash if a smoother consistency is desired.
Note: If soup is too thick add extra water until a desired consistency is reached.
This recipe results in quite a large yield, however, the recipe can be halved, or the remaining soup can be frozen and reheated at a later date.
Our last delivery of winter Deadly Ponies just arrived...and they sure are pretty!
This year has been a bit of a tough one for many so hopefully we can shed a lil sunshine on your coming days.
MFP is going into sale! yay for y'all! Its coming up to the end of the financial year and anyone who's done any kind of retail job knows what that means...stock take! (probably 2 of my most loathed words!). So we thought it would be a good...no...great idea to have a sale to shift along the goodies so we dont have to spend all night counting and marking off stock...yup...we both win!
But whats on sale you ask?!! The sale will run in store from Friday the 25th March till Sunday the 3rd of April. But you can get some goodies online...right now!!! Some items are limited so you best be shaking a tale feather! see you soon! p.s Its not just us on sale either....Our lovely next door neighbors Pixel Ink are joining in on the sale goodness to!! check'em out! |
Bunnies, Birds n' Foxes by Meow Girl have taking up residence in one of our jewelery cabinets and
boy are they CUTE. Come catch one quick before the hop, flutter n' scamper away again!
Darlin wee fabric earrings by Lil Lovelies that wont break the bank! fabric fronts, sterling studs and just $20! perfect!
In store now and online super soon.
So here it is!
Welcome to MFP's new website! a bit easier to use....a bit prettier....just gosh darn better!
peaking of new things we also have a snappy newsletter sign up thingy with a snappy new newsletter that we can send out to you every now and again if you sign up.
nifty nifty!