
Deadly Ponies on the Horizon!

Bags from the new Deadly Ponies range, 'Okapi Rider' are galloping down from Auckland, due to arrive mid next month! If you cannot wait or just don't want to miss out, you can now pop by the shop and pre-order any of the bags below with a 50% deposit, yee-ha! xx Madame Fancy Pants

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CDs will never be this hot.

Most folks have a fond memory involving records.  I have a mother had a large record collection and we moved...well lets just say I have had a transient life! the movers would roll their eyes when presented with the many many banana boxes filled to the brim for them to move.  My mum would bat her lashes.

For my 11th birthday a friend gave me Bon Jovis 'Slippery when wet' ...(hmm..yes he was a boy and no your not going to think bad thoughts!).  I remember my utter sadness as a 15 year old when I mistakenly left my favorite Micheal Jackson 'Thriller' record out and it got hit by the sun and warped....but when ever I listened to the record after there was something great about the sound that the warped record made.

These days I mainly use CDs or my computer for music playin, but a CD will never sound as great as a record or look as hot!


Image source

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The Powder Room (and new hair for Claire!)

Some of you may have heard ....(and the rest of y'all must be living in caves!) that The Powder Room have opened up a sister salon in upper Cuba Street. Yay!

Lisa Ussher - the loveliest hairdresser and pal in town - has been cutting my hair for 10 years and doing an amazing job each time.  At 22 she gave me my first asymmetrical fringe with was then dyed magenta pink, at 23 enter the 'fashion mullet' and 26 a very David Bowieesqe  cut which at the time was amazing.  On looking back it may have been a little Bowie! but in saying that Lisa has always challenged my thoughts on how I want my hair, but always kept in mind how I dress, my face shape and all those lovely little details you hope your hairdresser (and friend!) would take on board.

We have now been friends for many many years and now I generally get Lisa to whatever he fancies.....and this recent hair cut has to be up there with the best!  Maybe it had something to do with her fabulously stunning new salon or maybe she was sick of my old cut..who knows but its great!  

I love the Newtown salon, its cozy, lovely and familiar but I was super excited about having my hair cut at the Cuba st Powder Room.  Greeted by Lisa's smiling staff and Lisa herself I was sat down to discuss what kind of 'do' I would be having,..once this was agreed (Lisa...just do whatever you want love!)  I sauntered into the room next door to find a big black comfy looking chair.  Once sat Lisa got the chair to lean back (and my feet put up) and handed me what looked like a remote.....what a remote for a chair? YES! a remote for a massage chair! with heat no less!  So as the darling Mrs Ussher washed my hair and massaged my head (le sigh!) I lay back and enjoyed a 10 minute back massage.  On Lisa's recommendation F1 was the winner of the day.

After she woke me up and dragged me kicking and screaming from the glorious chair we went back into the main cutting room for the chop.  Lisa got to work with the right amount of speed, precision and care, I chatted away to anyone who would listen, then there was a pile of locks on the floor and I had a new do on my head.  Now I have a 7 year old son, a business and house that needs a new bathroom so of course...I have grey hairs....These hairs need to be sufficiently covered until there is enough grey hair to BE grey... (and then perhaps get a purple rinse...hellllllloooo coro street!)  So my natural mousey brown hair sprinkled with those dastardly grey's were shown the way to the coloring room upstairs.  The sweet Celeste was given the job of the great cover up...using a dark red she got rid of those grey's and I sat and ate pineapple and chatted to the Cuba Street salon manager Annabel while she did magic to another Powder Room client.  After a sufficient amount of time I went next door to the colour wash room.  Oh! what a divine essential oil they were burning, upside down plants to cleanse my air and yet more massage chairs!  I don't think I want to leave......   ever!

Downstairs to blow dry and productify then..shazam! amazing hair!  

So...I now present to you....old Claire and new Claire thanks bought to you by the letter K and The Powder Room.


Before photos are ALWAYS bad right?

And after! gone are the days of my asymmetrical enter the fringe and 20s bob!

You cant really see the amazing red that is in my hair but in the sun light it gleams!

Go add The Powder Room on Facebook! and call 04 3852989 to book your cut with one of the talented team now!

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Odd One Out


More like 'RAD One Out', Niki Gribble from Auckland gives new life to old plates and lonesome saucers that have long since lost their teacups. We have a small collection of her decorative works in store, each with a sweet wee illustration (and each a lil' different depending on the dish). The definition of Nana chic? And only $55 to boot!

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Victoria Mason Jewellery, cute cute cute!

There is a very clever chickadee from Melbourne named Victoria Mason who creates silver necklaces, earrings and rings that are just too darn cute. From pencil shavings to paper darts and teeny tiny pegs, Mason has a knack for taking those nifty everyday things and turning them into something extra special. We just received a whole bunch of these goodies, be sure to have a gander at our full range in the Madame Fancy Pants online store! xxx

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Stone and Honey Rings are here!

 All the way from Portland, Oregon, Stone and Honey rings crafted by the clever Teresa Robinson are here! Featuring naturally formed crystals, no two rings are quite the same. We have a selection of different quartz types, from the colour-rich 'Titanium' crystal to the smokier 'Phantom' quartz...ooh la la. The rings themselves are oxidised silver with the smaller, triangle rings also available in brass. There are only two of each of the quartz rings so get in quick and find the one that best suits your personality/look/DESTINY. 


 xxx MFP

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Splendiferous Sale!

Our ONCE'IT sale is wrapping up in a couple of days but there are still some nifty charm necklaces and beautiful birdie bracelets with swarovski crystals left! Grab a lil' something for your lovely self or a loved one, crivens! you could even be organised for xmas super early! 

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Hot off the press - The Wellington Book!

Concluding that existing tourist books did no justice to the city’s creative reputation, Fitzbeck Creative directors Mike Fitzsimons and Nigel Beckford drew up a list of their favourite Wellington haunts and worked with two young illustrators, Sandi MacKechnie and Jess Lunnon, to bring their vision to life. If you like Wellington, you’ll love this gloriously illustrated celebration of one of the world’s coolest and quirkiest cities! We have a whole bunch waiting for you for just $40 each at Madame Fancy Pants, swell for gifts too! xxx

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